Guides on automating and scaling your marketing activities
Messaging apps like Telegram are an inventive way to reach your audience. Learn how to build a bot that automatically sends branded promotional offer graphics to specific user groups.
Manually creating price graphics for a large product range isn't the best use of your time. Learn how to automatically pull material from a database to generate branded promotional photos.
Facebook single image ads can help both B2B and B2C brands reach and engage a diverse audience. Read our guide to learn what you need to know about this ad type.
Chatbots play a significant role in modern business communication. Thanks to AI and other technological developments, they are easier and cheaper than ever to add into your workflow—even if you can't code. Here's what to know about Zapier's new AI-powered Chatbots product.
Learn about Zapier's new Canvas product, an AI-powered diagramming tool built to connect people, plans, and apps.
Automatic text color modification gives your generated images more versatility. Here are three ways to transform text colors with Bannerbear.
Forms by Bannerbear enables users to generate images on-demand and collaborate with other team members. Learn more about when and how to use this integration option.
LinkedIn video ads can help your B2B brand reach and engage a professional audience. Read our guide to learn what you need to know about this ad type.
Google Drive is a cloud storage and file-sharing solution. Here's what to know about using it for image and video hosting, especially when automating tasks.
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