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The best part about running a startup is you're never bored. You're either pu...
Capitalism is more social than socialism Socialism requires more capital tha...
It’s not that hard to become best in class at a skill because people who are ...
Founders: Are tech reviewers too harsh on new products?
Your competition is willing to pay high taxes
Your competition doesn’t want to pay high taxes
Your competition doesn’t want to pay taxes
“It’s priced in” - someone who did zero math
“It’s priced in” - someone who did zero math
People don’t want to be authors People want to be authorities
“I just want to be useful.” This is a sentiment I hear quite often from peop...
A friend is a personal trainer and wants to sell access to weekly classes he ...
“Part of the point of starting a company is achieving your dreams.” — @r00k o...
Founders: How often do you disagree with your cofounder(s)?
My Spotify still can't remember the listened timestamp of the podcast I am li...
An important prerequisite if you want a calm company: Your business needs a...
An important prerequisite if you want a calm company: a strong financial engi...
Dishwasher wasn’t draining. Drain hose totally clogged. Hooked up my garden...
im still waiting for access in the uk for Gemini 1.5 Pro
"Taking on a challenge is a lot like riding a horse, isn't it? If you're comf...
Let the AI speak for itself.
Never realized how sad watching a Berkshire meeting without Charlie Munger wo...
The next Slack will look very much like Slack with one big twist.
I’ve had so many people come to me with questions about BloomTech’s new “AI f...
Spotify knows I’m someone whose taste in music peaked in 2012 and that I’m pe...
A lot of people don't know this about me, but in the early 2000s, I owned a s...
AI should bring the concept of a hackathon to other industries
Things you shouldn't delegate as a startup founder: culture, strategy, storyt...
Imagine the GDP that would be unlocked if ChatGPT let you set it so enter is ...
What are your best unconventional uses for ConvertKit automations? I’m writin...
Ever use a product and feel like you will never be able to use another produc...
Distributed work is the past, present and future. Why am I so sure? Open sou...
Work so smart that it looks hard.
Founders: How often do you listen to podcasts?
Today I just signed the paperwork to bring something to life that I've wanted...
Instead of just “hiring the smartest people” for your startup, focus on build...
I've seen my share of hyped technologies that initially underwhelmed. But I'v...
Federated access control across apps and the assets stored in them is the fut...
Running a startup is lonely. I've launched a private group for CEOs and foun...
Running a startup is lonely. I've launched a private group for CEOs and foun...
Running a startup is lonely. I've launched a private group for CEOs and foun...
Where can I use Llama3-70b and pay for unlimited access?
Has anyone done a comparison of various AI content production tools? (Byword,...
How to be happy: set achievable goals

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